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What Is Data Ethics and How Can Storage Improve Ethics Best Practices?

Keywords: Risks, Consumer Rights Laws, Ethical Data Usage, Data Privacy, Data Governance, Availability, Usability, Integrity, Individual Data, Ethical Framework, Transparency, Accountability, Fairness, Access Control

Author: N/A

Publication Year: N/A


Summary: The following article introduces the topic of data ethics by stating that it answers the questions “how can our organization collect, store, and use data ethically?” and also “what consumer rights must we protect?” The article emphasizes the importance of knowing the risks associated with data ethics and that appropriate measures should be put in place to best mitigate them. After a definition of data ethics, the article goes on to explore the various consumer rights laws that are affected by data ethics and their value of them. The article goes on to mention that the ethical use of data is essential because it can help mitigate some of the various risks associated with data privacy. Important to note is that data governance plays an important role in data ethics, as the article states that due to the principles of managing availability, usability, and integrity, they play an essential role in ethically using individuals’ data. The article then gives an ethical framework for data use based on 3 principles: transparency, accountability, and fairness. Finally, the article states the proper storage of individuals’ data helps drive ethical data use and mentions a number of the features of effective data storage, including access control.